So, its that time of year again when most of my friends get depressed and re-evaluate their lives and make a new plan for the year, without a significant other. However, this day should be embraced whether you're single or in a relationship. Its about love and yes, love with your boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, husband or wife, but if you look at the bigger picture, and take a look at all the love in your life then you should be grateful no matter what the relationship, whether it be friends, family and/or even pets who sometimes bring the most simplest of joy in life. I subconsciously associate this day with depression and if you do have someone special to spend it with then you are usually the envy of others and they shame your happiness. But I say celebrate to your heart's content and if you have someone who doesn't know, there's no better day to tell them than today. So,
Happy Valentine's Day! to you and all your loved ones. ♥
kikki.k | fashiongonerogue | tumblr
I am the exception! I don't need revaluation of my life and I don't get depressed on this day. I love basking in other peoples love... I especially love knowing that you and your boy are madly in love ♥
I'm Just a Gal
Indeed you are. ♥♥